

This version was saved 16 years, 7 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Stella
on April 30, 2008 at 3:27:57 pm

Annual Creativity & Sustainability Festival

wherever organizers appear, in any corner of the Planet


10-26 July each year, we welcome people who want to support

the creation of sustainable economies whilst on holiday!


We are a small group of organic farmers and artesans wishing to create a new eco-economy

on our Island, through this Festival (it started in La Palma, Canary Islands, now going International)


We have run two small pilot festivals in July 2006 & July 2007.


Now we are hoping to run a truly international festival in July 2008, by launching this new website in english,

which will mirror the spanish website: https://festivaldecreatividad.pbwiki.com/

(if it still hasn´t much on when you look it´s because we're still transferring stuff from the old one:

http://festival13lunas.pbwiki.com .. great if you want to practice your spanish)



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If you would like more information please contact Stella on stella(at)finca-luna(dot)com



See you soon!









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