

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago



The festival is designed to be as self-managing as possible for the users at each level.

This is to minimise as much as possible the beauocracy and to leave ourselves more time and space to enjoy ourselves.


ANY group of people in any bioregion can participate in this Festival, with only the intention of wanting to share the aims and some basic agreements: the more that we are, the better for everyone.




Wiki for Members y Organisers


(if you have forgotten the invite key, email: )




If you want to be a member

and / or organise a 'node' of the Festival in your area, also simply send an email to:






Groups of Organisers



In your area

(if you have 3 people prepared to organise a branch of the Festival in your area, contact:

festivaldecreatividad-owner@yahoogroups.com )




En Tenerife

(in formation)




En La Palma


The 11th sept 07 we held the first meeting of the new Group of Organisers for the next festival and we decided to share out the responsibilities in this way:


(If you wish to consult about any area of the festival please contact directly the most suitable person).


Coordinación - Jordi

Telf. 922 49 33 18, Mo. 656 904 199, jordimissus(arroba)hotmail(punto)com


Members - Clara

Mo. 686 342 773


Jordi y Clara



Programme and Accomodation- Valeria

Mo. 636 664 024, valeria82valeria(arroba)hotmail(punto)com



Webs y Pamphlets - Stella

Telf. 922 40 01 33, stella(arroba)finca-luna(punto)com



Excursions - Julio

Mo. 699 72 15 82, juliofyky(arroba)fiyahoo(punto)es


Stella y Julio



The bank - Sarah

In charge of the accounts of the Festival and the changing of euros into Dragos Lunares.



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